Easter Apéro 2024

Toasting with our employees just before Easter is a long-standing tradition.

Der kleine, aber auffällige Foodtruck von “aperolino” steht draussen bei der Rampe und die Mitarbeiter stehen Schlange. Einziger Wehrmutstropfen ist kalte und windige Wetter. Doch davon lassen sich die Magnetiker die Laune nicht verderben, haben wir doch unseren schönen Aufenthaltsraum.

Mama Luna has prepared delicious snacks for us and they taste wonderful. Grilled beef chilli sausage, foccacia or crisps with homemade guacamole, to name but a few. Not forgetting a large table full of doughnuts.

Der Traditions-Event wurde früher unter dem Titel “Eiertütschen” abgehalten. Klar, dass deshalb auch in diesem Jahr die Ostereier nicht fehlen durften und wir einige spannende Duelle austragen konnten.

It was wonderful to see that almost all employees turned up. Many thanks to everyone who was there.

More things to know

National Future Day 2023

Three pupils were interested and eager to learn about our everyday life.

New representative for Austria

TITUS messtechnik GmbH is now distributing our products in Austria.

Jubilarians celebration on the Randen

On Friday, July 7th 2023, we celebrated our employees with service anniversaries.

More things to know

National Future Day 2023

Three pupils were interested and eager to learn about our everyday life.

New representative for Austria

TITUS messtechnik GmbH is now distributing our products in Austria.

Jubilarians celebration on the Randen

On Friday, July 7th 2023, we celebrated our employees with service anniversaries.

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